Except as provided in COMAR, a person may not engage in the following utilization activities of sewage sludge, or any product containing this material, without first obtaining a Sewage Sludge Utilization Permit from MDE: treatment, composting, transportation, storage, distribution, application on agricultural land or marginal land, energy generation or incineration, marketing, conducting innovative or research projects, or disposal or alternative utilization at a municipal landfill.
A description of this permit is available. This description includes the legal authority for the permit, the requirements for approval and information about the expected processing time.
The application is designed to be straightforward. The following information might help you to determine what information is being asked.
PFAS in Biosolids Regulatory Update (August 20, 2024)
Fact Sheet PFAS in Biosolids (August 20, 2024) 
Applicant Information
Site Information
- Legal Site Name -- This is the property owner of the site where the sewage sludge will be going.
- Bay Tributary Watershed Code -- This information is optional. If you do not know the watershed code for your site, please leave this space blank.
- Latitude/Longitude -- Most maps of Maryland will be able to provide this information. The latitude is the number on the left and right sides of a map (they run from bottom to top). The longitude is the number on the top and bottom of the map (they run from right to left). To determine your latitude draw a line from your property to the side of your map. Estimate the distance from the nearest two latitude markings, keeping in mind that there are 60 minutes in every degree, and 60 seconds in every minute. Do the same for your longitude drawing a line to the top or bottom of the page. For example, the State House in Annapolis would have the following coordinates: Latitude: 38 58' 45" Longitude: 76 29' 45"
- State Legislative District -- This information is optional. If you do not know your state legislative district for your site, please leave this space blank.
- Local Council Election District -- This information is no longer needed. Please leave blank.
- Activity Type -- Please only check one of the boxes. Check the transportation box only if you are applying to transport sewage sludge out of state or to another waste water treatment plant. If you are using sewage sludge for any other reason, a transportation permit is not needed.
- Description of Project -- Please use these lines to describe what will be done with the sewage sludge.
Performance Bond
The amount of the performance bond, liability insurances, or other form of security will vary depending upon the proposed utilization of the sewage sludge (COMAR
- $10,000 for transportation or marketing
- $30,000 for land application on agricultural land
- $50,000 for land application on marginal land
- $75,000 for innovative project
- $125,000 for in-State sewage sludge treatment, composting, storage, or distribution facility
Additional Information
Additional information is required depending upon the use of the sewage sludge. Please consult the following links:
Information required for a Permit Application to apply
sewage sludge on agricultural land in Maryland
Owner's Consent Form -- Sewage Sludge Land Application
Site Information Form for sewage sludge agricultural land
- SSU Land Application Summary Report Form
Information required for a Permit Application to dispose of
sewage sludge at a municipal landfill in Maryland
- Information required for a Permit Application to Incinerate
or Generate Energy in Maryland
Information required for a Permit Application for treatment by a
process to further reduce pathogens (PFRP)
Information required for a Permit Application to apply sewage
sludge on marginal land in Maryland
- Information required for a Permit Application for distribution
of treated sewage sludge by a process to further reduce
pathogens (PFRP)
- Information required for a Permit Application to transport
sewage sludge to another wastewater treatment plant or
- Notice to Applicants of Sewage Sludge Structures Used for
Storage or Distribution Permits
- Owner's Consent Form for sewage sludge storage facility
- Coastal Plain Form
Sewage Sludge Utilization Performance Fund Bond
- Sewage Sludge Utilization Permit Check List for a Letter of
Information required for a renewal Permit Application to apply
sewage sludge on Agricultural Land in Maryland
- Notification of Intent to Mix Class A Sewage Sludge
Payment and Application Package Submittal
Copies of the application are sent to two different places.
Please send a photocopy of the application along with the permit application fee to the following address:
Maryland Department of the Environment
P.O. Box 1417
Baltimore, MD 21203-1417
Send the original plus the required number of copies to the following address:
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Blvd., Suite 610
Baltimore, MD 21230-1719
Contact Info
In the event you have questions that were not covered above, please contact:
Mev Jerry Egbegbadia
Resource Management Program
Phone: 410-537-3314
Sewage Sludge Utilization Permits Reporting Forms