Special Ethics Law Memo

TO:  Prospective Board and Commission Appointees
SUBJECT:  Board and Commission Ethics Law Requirements-Partial Summary & Analysis



Members serving on boards and commissions subject to the Public Ethics Law (Md. Code Ann., General Provisions Article, Title 5) are “public officials,” and, for purpose of board activities, have a fiduciary responsibility to the State and are bound by the conflict of interest provisions of the law. The nature of the member’s employment and his or her role in that organization will have an impact on the degree of potential conflicts of interest related to board responsibilities. Formal ethics advice from the State Ethics Commission relies on specific factual situations.

Members and prospective members of the Radiation Control Advisory Board should read the Board Requirements Summary published by the State Ethics Commission, which discusses general principles of the Ethics Law Requirements.

Contact Information

State Ethics Commission
45 Calvert Street, 3rd Floor
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Telephone: 410-260-7770 or 1-877-669-6085

Filing Disclosure Form

If a new appointee has any financial interest that may create a conflict with his or her appointment status, the appointee must file an Appointee Exemption Disclosure Form. If the form is required, it must be filed with the appointing authority, the State Ethics Commission, and anyone else who may have an interest in the nature of the possible conflict. In the case of the Radiation Control Advisory Board, filing with the Radiological Health Program is sufficient (file with Bonnie Reynolds). Ms. Reynolds can be reached at 410-537-3300.

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