2025 Community Grants (Keep America Beautiful® will provide grants to support the implementation of our Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, Great American Cleanup®, and MLK Community/Neighborhood Improvement programs)
Maryland resident challenges himself to collect one garbage bag of litter in each of Maryland's 24 24 hours or less. View
County Litter Programs
(Contact the County directly for litter complaints, not MDE)
State Highway Administration's Litter Removal Program
The ABCs of Litter
Litter is the improper
disposal of unwanted material. Litter
can have large and lasting effects on our communities, such as its impacts to wild-life,
people, and the environment, not to mention how it makes the community look and
the cost and resources it takes to pick it up.
Recent national studies show the most commonly littered item are cigarette
butts. Making up about half of littered
objects found, cigarette butts can take about ten years to decompose, making
them especially harmful to the environment. Other commonly littered items include fast food wrappers, paper, aluminum,
glass, and plastic containers, plastic grocery bags, among many other items we
see in our rivers and along our road sides.
Maryland – sometimes called “America in
Miniature” – bookends the Chesapeake Bay with mountains in the west and ocean
in the east. A unique state, Maryland
owns the tenth most miles of coastline, while being the fifth most densely
populated state, which means that litter can have heavy impacts on a variety of
people and places. Because Maryland
believes in being good stewards of its resources, our litter control laws range
from a $1,500 fine and possible 30 days in prison to a $30,000 fine with
possible 5 years in prison. Part of MDE’s mission is to continue to
educate Marylanders about the potential issues associated with litter and littering
and offer ways to help mitigate its impacts.
Major Sources of Litter
People litter both deliberately and by
accident and it can come from many different places, like vehicles, pedestrians,
or construction sites, among other sources. Below are key findings about
sources of litter, from a variety of studies.
Motorists and Pedestrians -- Motorists
(52.2%) and pedestrians (17.5%) cause nearly 70% of litter along
roads and highways. The improper securing of truck or cargo
loads, including collection vehicles, represent 20.7% of roadway litter.
Vehicle debris and improperly secured containers, dumpsters, trash cans or
residential waste/recycling bins represent another 8.1% of litter.
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT
SHA), removes over 2 million pounds of litter along our state-maintained roads each
year at a cost of more than $8 million in tax payer’s money . MDOT SHA litter removal forces are
supplemented by inmate crews, contractors, and other programs but, without
everyone pitching in to help, it’s still a challenge to keep Maryland clean.
Construction and demolition (C&D) -- C&D materials are generated during the building, renovating,
and demolition of structures. A Sustainable Materials
Management (SMM) approach identifies C&D materials to be used in new
building projects thus minimizing materials that would be disposed, and
possibly littered, and minimizing the use of new construction
Loading Docks -- 85% of litter at loading docks is from loading and unloading goods.(3) Shrink wrap, corrugated boxes, shipping documents, drink containers,
fast food packaging and tobacco products and packaging are typical
loading dock trash items.
Truck Loads -- Unsecured or improperly secured loads can release loose materials. Air
pressure increases as trucks drive faster and loose materials can be blown off
truck beds. Roads to landfills are often easy to follow because of all the
litter along the road.
Impacts of Litter
Litter physically alters habitats, is harbinger of harmful pollutants and toxic substances, and creates an eyesore to the environment.
Litter can pose a health risk as well as a safety risk when debris from vehicles is not properly secured.
Animals can be trapped, hurt, or strangled by litter. Animals
may eat litter that can cause an inability to ingest food or cause
blockages in their digestive tracks. Entrapment in litter can cause an
animal to suffocate or drown, or could prevent an animal from
catching food and avoiding predators.
Litter can bring with it many
risks, such as fire, human health, and indirect health hazards from bacteria,
rats, roaches, mosquitoes and other critters attracted to litter. Germs, bacteria, and viruses can also be
found where there’s litter. Some germs can
have a devastating effect on farms and livestock, if cattle ingests tainted
litter for instance.
Litter can have damaging
economic impacts on a community. Just
considering its heavy direct impacts, as private businesses, state and local
governments, non-profits, and volunteer groups, to name a few, dedicate money,
time, people, and other resources to pick-up litter. According to a 2009 Keep America Beautiful study, nationally over $11 billion is spent annually on litter cleanup.
Indirect costs of litter can also have heavy
impacts to a community. Litter can make
an area less appealing to tourism or business development. Litter in waterways can impact our waterways,
and recreation or related businesses like fishing, crabbing, and boating, and
associated jobs. Unsightly litter may also
cause disinterest in visiting a particular area or can hamper economic
development of an area. Additionally, according
to National Homebuilders’ Association, litter can even reduce property values
of a community.
Why Do People Litter
Studies done over the years show that
littering is related to peoples’ attitudes.
For instance, if a place has excessive litter, people are more apt to
litter themselves. Also, a person might
litter because it’s more convenient to just drop something instead of finding a
proper trash receptacle. Also, age is an
important factor. Young people are more
likely to litter than an older person.
Another important factor are the ‘unwritten rules’ in your
community, Basically, if people in your
community think it’s important to not litter, people won’t be as likely to
litter – even if a proper receptacle isn’t handy.
Making a Difference
Reducing litter is a three-step process:
- Be a good example and stop littering
- Pick up litter when you see it, and
- Report when someone else litters.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Storm Drain Stenciling --
Stenciling storm drains in your community may encourage people to
dispose of trash properly and keep trash out of the drains and the
Chesapeake Bay.
Keep Maryland Beautiful --
Keep Maryland Beautiful is a statewide effort focusing on increasing litter removal, greening initiatives, and citizen stewardship to work toward a common vision that all Maryland communities will be clean, green, and beautiful.
Keep America Beautiful -- The organization believes in the shared American responsibility to build and maintain clean, green, and beautiful spaces.
Trash Free Initiative -- seeks to prevent litter and the negative impacts of trash on our water.
We work throughout the Potomac River watershed with a focus on the DC
metro region and partner with citizens, local governments and community
organizations to take action for clean land, safe water and healthy
Mr. Trash Wheel™ -- Mr. Trash Wheel is a semi-autonomous trash interceptor that is placed at the end of a river, stream or other outfall. Far too lazy to chase trash around the ocean, Mr. Trash Wheel stays put and waits for the waste to flow to him. Sustainably powered and
built to withstand the biggest storms, Mr. Trash Wheel uses a unique
blend of solar and hydro power to pull hundreds of tons of trash out of
the water each year. View a video of Mr. Trash Wheel