Radiation Control Advisory Board

History, Charge and Term

The Radiation Control Advisory Board (RCAB) was established pursuant to the Annotated Code of Maryland, § 8-201 et seq. The statute provides that there is a Radiation Control Advisory Board in the Department.

The duties of the Board are to:

  • Review periodically the programs and policies of the Department that relate to radiation, and
  • Consult with and advise the Secretary of the Environment on matters that relate to radiation.

Recommendations provided to the Secretary may include advice on proposed legislation, emerging radiation issues, proposed regulations, etc.


The Board consists of 12 members appointed by the Secretary of the Department. The Board is fairly representative of the businesses and professions and general public that are interested in the subject of radiation. The membership is comprised of:

  • Ten members recognized as knowledgeable about the subject of radiation, and
  • Two public members who represent the community at large.

Member terms are for 4 years beginning on June 1. The terms of the members are staggered. At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor qualifies and is appointed. A member appointed after a term has begun serves only for the remainder of the term and until a successor qualifies and is appointed, unless the member is appointed to a new 4 year term.

When vacancies occur, radiation professional members are selected by seeking nominations from professional and other organizations whose members use radioactive materials or radiation machines. Public members are selected from individuals who have an interest in the field of radiation. 

Current Members

S​ean Austin, Dr. Thomas J. Beck, David R. Bisson, Jeanette A. Linder, M.D., Ms. Doreen Williams, 

​​​​Dr. Mahadevappa Mahesh, Dr. David J. O'Neill, Dr. Josephine M. Piccone, Gregory D. Smith,                     

Dr. Orhan Suleiman, Dr. Stewart Becker, and Malek Daneshvarnezhad​.

Meeting Schedule

While the Board determines the times and places of its meetings, meetings are normally held approximately three times per year, usually at MDE Headquarters. Currently scheduled meetings can be found on this page. Meeting agenda can be found here.​

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the most recent RCAB meeting(s) may be found on this page.

MDE Contact

Eva S. Nair, Manager, Radiological Health Program, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore MD 21230, Eva.Nair@maryland.gov, 410-537-3300, toll free in Maryland (800) 633-6101 ext. 3300 or fax 410-537-3198.

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