Maryland Hazardous Waste Site Information For Sparrows Point Steel Mill

Environmental information and activities related to the Sparrows Point Steel Mill (Formerly known as Bethlehem Steel Corporation) can be found below.  In 1997, The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a Consent Decree with Bethlehem Steel Corporation to address environmental contamination at the property. In September 2014, an Administrative Consent Order was executed between the prospective purchaser, Sparrows Point Terminal LLC, MDE and the EPA, which amended the 1997 Consent Decree. A portion of the peninsula known as the Sparrows Point Shipyard property has also been enrolled in the Voluntary Cleanup Program.

Sparrows Point Voluntary Cleanu​​p Program - Environmental Reports

The Sparrows Point Voluntary Cleanup Program - Environmental Reports webpage lists the most recent environmental investigations submitted for VCP review, including characterization and remedatons plans that have occurred or are planned at the Sparrows Point property. To view the Sparrows Point VCP webpage, please click here.  
Public Information
A joint MDE and EPA Virtual Public Informational Meeting on the status of site investigations at the Sparrows Point Facility was most recently held on Wednesday May 19, 2021 at 6pm. Please find the notice of the meeting HERE​​. Slides from the virtual meeting are posted below:
Public Meeting Presentation on environmental cleanup progress and off-shore investigations.
Joint MDE and EPA Public Informational Meeting on the Administrative Consent Order and Protective Purchaser Agreement:
 Public Meeting June 24, 2010 MDE/EPA presentations and associated information:

Sparrows Point Press ​​Releases

Sparrows Point Factsheet​,​ dated October 2021 - NEW UPDATE
Sparrows Point Bear Creek Sediments Proposed NPL Listing - Press Release​, dated September 9, 2021
Sparrows Point Factsheet​​​​, dated April 2021  
Sparrows Point Factsheet​, dated May 2020

EPA released ​Statement of Basis for Parcels A2, A3, B3, B4-remnant area, and B-15. 
EPA Final Statement of Basis for the Tin Mill Canal

EPA Statement of Basis Public Notice Letter for Parcels A1 and Sub-Parcel B4-1
MDE Press Release - Redevelopment at steel making facility, dated September 2014
EPA Approves Prospective Purchaser Agreement November 25, 2014

For additional information, contact: 
Moshood G. Oduwole, Remedial Project Manager
US EPA Region III, Land Chemicals and Redevelopment Division
Tel: 215-814-3362​

Corrective Actio​​n Work Plans/Reports

​Rod and Wire Mill (Parcel A3)
  • Corrective Measures Study Work Plan, Rev. 1, dated January 14, 2021​
Coke Point Area​
  • Corrective Measures Study Work Plan, Rev. 1, dated January 14, 2021
Site-Wide Groundwater
  • Corrective Measures Study Work Plan, Rev. 0, dated January 15, 2021
PORI Lagoon Area (Parcel B22)
Parcel B13
  • ​​​Corrective Measures Study Work Plan​, Rev. 0, dated March 15, 2021

Off Shore Reports

Maintenance Dre​​dging 

Tradepoint Atlantic Wetlands License No. 13-0966 (R2) Sediment Sample Results

Multimedia Consent Decree Annual Reports​

    The following presented information is listed in chronological order. Please review the individual documents for specific information: 
    • United States Response of Severstal Sparrows Point, LLC for Resolution of Dispute for Off-site Sampling, dated October 15, 2010

    Coke Oven Area Interim Measures P​​rogress Reports

    Coke Oven Area IM Supp​lemental Investigation Reports

    January 13, 2011, EPA Revised Coke Point IRM approval Letter and Dispute Resolution
    EPA Letter Authorizing Coke Oven Area IRM Quarterly Reporting
    • Coke Oven Area Interim Measures Cell 3 "Cove" Area Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Extraction System Design Report, dated March 1, 2011  
    • Coke Oven Area Interim Measures Cell 4 In-Situ Anaerobic Bio-Treatment System Design Report, dated March 31, 2011 

    Rod and Wir​e Mill

    Rod and Wire Mill IM Supplemental Investigation Reports​


    Court Documents  
    Documents Submitted to the Court on 12/28/11 as Developed in the Dispute Resolution Process: 
    • Notice of Filing of Stipulation and Order
    Maryland Port Authority 
    Maryland Port Authority Coke Point Risk Assessment​

    Contact Information 

    If you have questions or require assistance related to the above material, please contact Ms. Barbara Brown at 410-537-3493 or email to    

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