Environmental data and health data (leaving MDE website)
Maryland Environmental Public Health Tracking is a resource for environmental, exposure, and health data. An online network allows you to view and analyze data on maps, graphs, and tables.
Children’s Environmental Health
Children can be particularly vulnerable to hazards in the environment and are an important focus of environmental health efforts.
Memorandum of Understanding
This agreement describes how the Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and Maryland's local health departments and local environmental agencies work together on a range of environmental health programs to help Marylanders.
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (leaving MDE website)
This link takes you to the website of the Environmental Health Bureau at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Maryland's Local Health Departments (leaving MDE website)
Local health departments and other local agencies are essential for many environmental health services and programs.
Please direct questions or comments concerning this page to MDE's Health Advisor at (410) 537-3899.