54. Radcliffe Creek School


The Radcliffe Creek School site is a 0.2 acre emergent/scrub-shrub wetland created from an existing Stormwater Management Pond. This site is located within the Chester River - Middle Chester River (02130509) watershed of Kent County.



In April 2006, the Maryland Department of the Environment, in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the school constructed and planted this site.        

Construction - 2006

Students planting - 2006

Post Construction - 2006


This site is being actively monitoring. Using the newly developed Mitigation Site Scoring Method, MDE gave this site a score of 86/100. This site provides good wetland functions including filtering sediment/pollutants, furnishing organic material to the aquatic food web, and reducing floodwater flow.  It also provides excellent wildlife habitat, as demonstrated by the nesting wood ducks, tadpoles, frogs, and dragonflies.  This wetland also provides outstanding educational opportunities, since the wetland has been integrated into the school's curriculum.  While the invasive plant species Phragmites is present adjacent to the wetland, it is being sprayed and is currently under control. The wetland system has a diverse mix of herbaceous wetland species, with some smaller trees and shrubs. Since this project is on school property, access is restricted. Click here to see an aerial photo and location information.

Occupied wood duck box - 2008

Wetland mitigation site - 2008


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