Governor’s Press Release

ANNAPOLIS, MD (November 19, 1997) -- A project to improve the sewer system in the Town of Betterton in Kent County will soon receive a financial boost, thanks to Board of Public Works approval today of a grant to replace an aging and deteriorating pump station, force main and gravity sewerline.

Chaired by Governor Parris N. Glendening, the Board of Public Works also is comprised of Comptroller Louis L. Goldstein and Treasurer Richard N. Dixon. The Board is empowered by the General Assembly to approve construction and consultant contracts, equipment purchases, property transactions and other procurement actions.

"This project is important to the community because it will prevent future pump failures, service interruptions and sewage overflows," said Governor Glendening. "This will eliminate a public health threat that occurs during heavy rain events. It also contributes to the overall quality of life for local residents."

In addition to the $22,912 State grant, the town is receiving $68,218 from the Farmer's Home Grant and Loan for a total project cost of $91,130. Construction began last month and will be completed in March 1998.

"On behalf of myself, the Betterton Town Council and the citizens of Betterton, I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of those involved for considering the Town of Betterton for the grant," said Betterton Mayor Carolyn C. Sorde. "With the monetary constraints that are placed on us due to the limited amount of capital available to us, the ever growing need for services and the continued maintenance of our aging facilities, we find it refreshing and we are very appreciative for any consideration given.
