Maryland Groundwater Awareness Week

March 10-16, 2013

State of Maryland proclamation A clean and abundant supply of groundwater is crucial to virtually every aspect of our lives. Too often groundwater is taken for granted because it cannot be seen, however, about 30 percent of Maryland’s population relies on groundwater for their daily use including drinking water, household purposes, irrigation, business and industry.

As part of our Reclaim the Bay campaign, we are getting the word out that groundwater is created from rain that soaks into the ground, which absorbs it like a sponge. Water that soaks into the ground is filtered as it passes through various layers of sand, clay or rock, before discharging into streams, rivers or the Chesapeake Bay.

In recognition of groundwater being one of the earth's most valuable and limited natural resources, Former Governor Martin O’Malley joined with dozens of other local, state, non and for-profit businesses to highlight and celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week by proclaiming March 10 through 16 2013 as Maryland Groundwater Awareness Week.

More Information

Facts About Groundwater
Groundwater and Well Maintenance
2012 Groundwater Protection Program Report
Bay Restoration Fund Septic System Information Guide


Groundwater and Your Septic System
Tuesday, March 12 at 2 p.m.
Smithsburg, Washington County

Groundwater and Well Maintenance
Thursday, March 14 at 10:30 a.m.
Sandy Point State Park, Anne Arundel County

Related Links

The Groundwater Foundation
National Groundwater Awareness Week
What is Groundwater?

Contact Information

John Boris, Geologist, 410-537-3678 or