Contractors Providing Lead Paint Abatement Services in Maryland

The Residential, Comme​rcial and Public Building Contractors (RC) listed have been accredited by the Maryland Department of the Environment to provide lead paint abatement services.

There are two kinds of lead paint supervisors who may perform lead paint abatement work on residential, commercial and public buildings. They qualify in the following ways:

  • Maintenance & Repainting Supervisor (S4) - May provide oversight of Lead Paint Abatement Workers and perform work for activities such as minor repairs, painting and window replacement.
  • Removal & Demolition Supervisor (S2) – Also known as an Abatement Supervisor. May provide oversight of Lead Paint Abatement Workers and perform work from minor repairs and painting to major renovations, demolitions and lead paint abatement projects.
  • Lead Paint Abatement Workers are to have their current training ID card in their possession while performing lead paint abatement. There is no accreditation for them but are to work under the supervision of an accredited Lead Paint Abatement Supervisor.


    For your convenience MDE publishes this list of accredited lead contractors that meet Maryland’s standards to perform abatement activities involving lead-based paint. The list is an information resource only. MDE does not endorse any of the contractors included on this list nor does MDE provide any warranty about their performance. Consumers are advised to request bids and conduct reference checks before hiring. Contact the individual contractors for information regarding services and fees. Verify with the contractor you are going to hire that the supervisor is accredited by MDE and all lead paint abatement workers have current training. This accreditation and training does not satisfy the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule.

    If you have questions regarding official inspection or abatement work procedures call MDE at 410-537-3825.

    The lists can be accessed here: